Past Events
Bertinoro international Center for informatics
Events that took place in 2001-2020 are also linked to from our old website.
BiCi Events 2023
ScalPerf'23, Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
FA'23, il Futuro Annunciato
AGDACRYPT'23, Formal Methods and Crypto in Agda
ESSA'23, Encryption for Secure Search and other Algorithms
ALACARTE'23, Algorithmic Aspects of Clustering and Related Problems
ISWS'23, International Semantic Web Research School
GRASTA'23, Graph Searching Theory and Applications
BUCA'23, Challenges in Building Billion User Cloud Applications
CIBE'23, Cryptography in the Blockchain Era
BWGD'23, Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing
BiCi Events 2022
NetVAS'22, Network Verification and Automation Seminar
ScalPerf'22, Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BCB'22, Cancer Heterogeneity and Immune Interactions
SKECH'22, Secure Key Exchange and Channel Protocols
Proofs'22, Efficient Probabilistic Proofs
BUCA'22, Challenges in Building Billion User Cloud Applications
DiG'22, 2nd Distributed Geometric Algorithms
BWGD'22, Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing
BiCi Events 2021
ScalPerf'21, Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2020
BiCi Events 2019
PLISS2019: Second International Programming Language Implementation Summer School
FG-APX2019: Fine Grained Approximation Algorithms and Complexity
ADS2019: 9th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
BUCA: Challenges in Building Billion User Cloud Applications
ScalPerf'19: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2018
ESSA2: Second Workshop on Encryption for Secure Search and other Algorithms
RaTLoCC 2018: Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity
ITN-CONTRA Kickoff 2018: 1st Workshop for Innovative Training Network CONTRA in Bertinoro
DESIRES: Design of Experimental Search & Information REtrieval Systems
ScalPerf'18: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2017
ADS 2017: 8th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
WAL-E 2017: Workshop on Approximating and Learning Efficiently
ScalPerf'17: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2016
DRV 2016: Bertinoro Workshop on Distributed Runtime Verification
ISSCN 2016: 2nd International Summer School on Complex Networks
Bertinoro Computational Biology 2016: Bacterial Genome Evolution
ScalPerf'16: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2015
DeeL@BiCi: Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Bertinoro Computational Biology 2015: The future of algorithmic computational biology
ADS 2015: 7th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
SSSW '15 The 11th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web
ScalPerf'15: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2014
Frontiers and Connections between Parametrization and Approximation
Frontiers and Connections between Argumentation Theory and Natural Language Processing
ScalPerf'14: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2013
ADS 2013: 6th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
ScalPerf'13: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2012
BiCi Events 2011
DALT School 2011: First International Spring School on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies
ISCL 2011: Third International Spring School on Computational Logic
RaTLoCC 2011: Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity
ADS 2011: 5th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
ScalPerf'11: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
DEVISEII: Design and Evaluation of Innovative Interactive Systems
SWING 2011: 6th Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking
BiCi Events 2010
Random Graals 2010: The 5th Bertinoro Workshop on Randomized Algorithms and Graphs
SWING 2010: 5th Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking
ScalPerf'10: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
OSC: 3rd International Workshop on Optical SuperComputing in Bertinoro
BiCi Events 2009
WPK 2009: Cryptographic Protocols and Public-Key Cryptography
ADS 2009: 4th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
SWING 2009: 4th Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking
SENIOT: From Sensor Networks to Networked Intelligent Objects
Web Bar 2009: The 4th BiCi International PhD School on Advanced Retrieval and Web Mining Objects
ScalPerf'09: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
SCAM 2009: The 1st BiCi International PhD School on Computational Advertising and Modelling
RaTLoCC 2009: Workshop on Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity
OSC 2009: 2nd International Workshop on Optical SuperComputing in Bertinoro
BiCi Events 2008
BWGD-VLG: Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing: Visualization of Large Graphs
IPCO 2008: Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Matheuristics2008: Second international workshop on model based metaheuristics
DEVISE: Designing and Evaluating Innovative Interactive Systems
SWING 2008: 3rd Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking
ScalPerf'08: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BNC 2008: Bertinoro International Summer School of Natural Computation
Random Graals 2008: The 4th Bertinoro Workshop on Randomized Algorithms and Graphs
BiCi Events 2007
BWGDCG: Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing and Computational Geometry
SWING2007: 2nd Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking
ScalPerf 2007: Scalable Approaches to High Performanceand High Productivity Computing
BiCi Events 2006
DASI '06: Bertinoro PhD School on Data and Service Integration
Bertinoro Workshop on Adversarial Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks
ECRYPT Autumn International School on Zero Knowledge: Foundations and Applications
SWING 06: Bertinoro PhD School on Security for Wireless Networking
ScalPerf 2006: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
Matheuristics 2006: 1st Workshop on Mathematical Contributions to Metaheuristics
First International Summer School on Emerging Trends in Concurrency
AGATE 2006: Second Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithmic GAme ThEory
CSS-TW1: International Workshop on Cooperation in Selfish Systems Incorporating TagWorld 1
SEDS06: Perspectives on Science and Engineering Driven Supercomputing
BISS 2006: Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
Workshop Algo-Next: Algorithms for the Next Generation Internet and Web
BiCi Events 2005
ECRYPT Autumn School on Unconditional Security in Cryptographic Protocols
ScalPerf 2005: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BiCi-INDAM International PhD School on Mathematical Aspects of Modern Cryptography
WEB BAR 2005: 2nd Bertinoro International PhD School on Advanced Retrieval and Web Mining
Algebraic Process Calculi: The First Twenty Five Years and Beyond
CS-Statistics Workshop On Privacy and Confidentiality
P-NP-BPP-PCP: a PhD school on the Modern Theory of Computation
RANDOM GRAALS 2005: 3rd Bertinoro Workshop on Random(ized) Graphs and Algorithms
3rd Bertinoro Computational Biology Meeting: All things comparative
ADS 2005: 2nd Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
Biological Networks: Interaction with Genome and Developmental Evolution
BISS 2005: Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
BiCi Events 2004
IFIP WG 2.2 (Formal Description of Programming Concepts) Meeting
ScalPerf 2004: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
MAIN 2004: Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Information Networks
WEB BAR 2004: Bertinoro School on Advanced Retrieval and Web Mining
WASC 2004: Workshop on Algorithms for scheduling and communication
BISS 2004: Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
BiCi Events 2003
ICTCS 2003: Eighth Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
ScalPerf 03: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
BISS 2003: Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
BiCi Events 2002
FuDiCo 2002: International Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing
BISS 2002: Bertinoro International Summer School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
BiCi Events 2001